Is It Possible For My Divorce To Be Less Stressful For Me And My Children?
Yes. Divorces are relatively common in America. Not all marriages end due to infidelity. A large number of divorces end due to issues involving money, stress, and personal changes of a spouse or both. Regardless of the reason for the divorce you've rightfully decided that life must go on. You may also understand that you must protect your interest in marital property and parental rights. This is where the Pouncil Law Firm comes in and guide you through the divorce process. We take on the stressful heavy lifting such as drafting pleadings, conducting hearings, negotiating, dealing with your spouse's lawyer or even with your spouse directly. Our goal is to do what we can to make the process less stressful for you and your children.
Is It Possible To Avoid A Costly Divorce?
Yes. Divorces can be uncontested. Meaning, both you and your spouse may agree not to fight it out in court. An uncontested divorce will reduce the amount of time and money you would otherwise spend if it was contested (a fight). The benefit of having the Pouncil Law Firm on your side even when your divorce is uncontested is that we can help you avoid having to run back and forth to the courthouse to make sure your paperwork is done correctly. After all, you do need a little help even when handling your own divorce. We have special rates for you that we think you'll find beneficial.
Can the Pouncil Law Firm Help Me Establish Custody?
You bet. Custody, parental rights, and possession and access are common areas of dispute whenever a child is involved. A legal battle in these areas can also be the most dreaded experience in a family. Let's face it, the splitting of parents could very well have a lasting effect on a child. Parents who know this tend to want the legal process to be smooth, quick and most importantly…fair. We will work hard to secure a settlement agreement that you and your children can live with and in the case where a settlement can't be made we will fight for what's fair not only for you but also for your child.

My Circumstances Have Changed. Am I Stuck With My Current Order?
Not necessarily. As your life change and your children continue to grow so should your court order evolve. In Texas, the law allows you to modify or change your prior court orders if certain criteria are met, such as an important and substantial change in circumstances. So if you believe that your child support or custody order doesn't fit your current circumstances and you're just stuck with your old court order. Think again.
It Is It Possible For My Child Support Obligation To Be Fair?
Yes. Perhaps the most publicized area of family law in this country is child support. While supporting your child is suppose to be the natural thing to do, judges, state legislature, attorney general office and even your spouse demanding expensive judgments may turn this responsibility into a nightmare. The Pouncil Law Firm recognizes a great deal of injustice in this area and we are not afraid to be the first line of defense for parents who wish to support their children with dignity.
My Adoption Agency Can Handle Everything...Right?
No. Adoptions are usually the lighter side of the family law. Adding a child to your loving and caring family is one of the best things you can do for a child in need of a family. There are many adoption agencies that can assist you in preparing for this new phase in your life. But even adoption agencies limited in their ability consummate an adoption. You will eventually need an experienced attorney to ensure that the legality portion of your adoption confirms with the Texas Family Code. The Pouncil Law Firm can effectively assist you and the agency in consummating the adoption of your new child. Call us today. We're here to help.
What Should I Do Now?
Easy question! Call us today at 832-210-1895 or send us a message.